Journalism/Media Climate Education

From the year 2022, this project is a main priority of the MediaClimate network. There are a few institutions of higher learning offering courses of short or longer duration focusing on climate journalism. There is a need for many more.
In 2022, two workshops were conducted by scholars at FCCU – A Chartered University, Lahore, Pakistan, in co-operation with JMIC/MediaClimate, including discussions on how to integrate climate issues in existing programs at more than ten universities. This gives hope for the future of climate journalism in a country, which in 2022 was severely hurt by flood caused by melting glaciers. A similar workshop was held at the American University in Cairo before the COP27 in Sharm-el Sheikh. At Dhaka University, a master course was held on climate journalism and included student field work.
In 2023, two lecturers from Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia’s largest university, will visit OsloMet for a climate journalism course (Arctic Lenses) in March. Furthermore, our MediaClimate partner in the Indian state of Odisha (Orissa) will in cooperation with two local universities conduct course on climate migration. Other news on educational initiatives are welcome!
For reading more about the climate journalism education workshops held in Lahore, Pakistan and Cairo, Egypt, in co-operation with JMIC/MediaClimate, follow the links given below:
Climate Journalism Education Workshop, FCCU – Lahore, Pakistan
2nd Climate Journalism Education Workshop, FCCU – Lahore, Pakistan
Promoting Climate Journalism Education, American University – Cairo, Egypt
Project Update: Young Global Voices

The most important landmark within the climate movement is the emergence of youth actions, inspired by Greta Thunberg. Fridays for Future and other related protests have impacted public debates on all continents. The MediaClimate website will in the weeks to come publish statements from youth leaders/climate activists across the world, interviewed by our members in the respective countries.
Mapping Youth Activists and their (media) experience:
Since 2018, young people, many of them school students, have been protesting, arranging school strikes and have challenged politicians to do more to curb the climate crisis. Last summer (2019), the MediaClimate network started The Youth Project, where researchers from more than twenty countries are involved, by interviewing young leaders on all continents about their experiences, not least including their views on and experiences with media coverage of climate change, and of their actions. On the conference taking place at OsloMet 7-9 October, MediaClimate will present results from this research, as well as statements from some of the young climate activists.
Good climate journalism – strong youth focus
On 7-9 October this year, the Department of Journalism and Media Studies at OsloMet and its research group “Environment, Media and Society” organizes a three day-conference in Oslo. The main target is to strengthen climate journalism by learning from experiences in a wide range of countries. – We shall focus particularly on young people, not least due to the wide youth engagement for the planet during the past couple of years, says Associate Professor and leader of the research group, Andreas Ytterstad. – To the conference, we’ll invite experts from the journalist field as well as journalism researcher/trainers, and not least young leaders of the climate movement.
More information will follow.